South Asia

(June 28 - July 7)

Why Should I Go? 

  • We're all called to be a part of God's plan to redeem a people for Himself from every tribe, language, tongue, and nation and this is one way to participate in His mission. 

  • Providing childcare is a huge blessing to our goers by giving them some time for rest and renewal.

  • Global mission trips will help you align your heart with God’s heart for the nations.  

  • Opportunity for deeper connectivity and fellowship with other Austin Stone brothers and sisters.

  • This kind of conference helps them persevere on the field and encourages them in their ministry. 

Children who spend time in other cultures during their child development years are often referred to as “Third Culture Kids” because they are raised in a culture other than their parents’ or the culture of their country of nationality. Don’t assume that because they are goer kids that they have a personal relationship with Jesus. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your faith with the next generation! 

What's Expected

During the conference, there will be several times the adults will gather for training, encouragement, worship, prayer, and celebration. During these times, our Kids Program Volunteers will be putting on a high-quality program similar to The Austin Stone Sunday programming.

The Program Volunteers will be responsible for:

  • Providing a safe environment where goer kids feel safe

  • Preparing lessons and all lesson materials leading up to and during the conference

  • Setting up the program areas at the venue

  • Leading small groups of children during all kids program times

  • Participating in group worship with kids

  • Praying for children in their classroom

  • Cleaning up after the kids program sessions each day 


We desire you to pursue Jesus in your daily life and grow to be more like Him. We will provide trainings that walk through abiding and resting in Jesus (John 15), ministry overview and expectations, ministry prep, and logistics. While we can’t perfectly prepare you for everything you might encounter, we do our best to train you with everything you’d need for your trip. 


Indonesia and Singapore

