Gospel Care
Individual Lay Christian Care
Our Mission
Adapted from Stephen Ministries, the Gospel Care ministry exists to reflect the love of Jesus Christ by providing one-to-one distinctively Christian care to individuals who are experiencing life’s challenges and difficulties.
“Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
– Galatians 6:2
What is Gospel Care?
We all experience challenges in life - times when we can receive care and support. Such circumstances can range anywhere from unemployment, medical circumstances, loneliness, family planning, life transitions, and loss of loved ones.
Intake meeting to screen goodness of fit for Gospel Care
Up to 6 weekly, one-hour confidential individual sessions
Meet with a well-trained, supervised volunteer who provide competent level of distinctively Christian care
Assist/triage before making referrals to professional care and other resources
Advisors: Hanna Oh, Jennifer Oh Baik, Jean Kim, Tiffany Kwong
Coordinators: Jennifer Oh Baik, Scott Yoon

Contact Gospel Care
Would you like to learn more about or receive Gospel Care? Please contact us through the form.
Please know that all answers are strictly confidential and will not be shared outside of our Gospel Care leaders. The information will be used for our team to better assess ways to support you.