Our Mission
Inviting broken people to be restored by Jesus in the whole of life
Our Values
Radical Middle
Because we pursue the fullness of Truth and Spirit.
We live in a Kingdom that is “now and not yet”, in between heaven and earth, death and resurrection, and as sojourners longing for the Kingdom of God to come. We desire to walk in this tension in every aspect of our lives by living out the gospel revealed in the Word and exercising the power and gifts of the Spirit. -
Unexpected Hospitality
Because we have all received the welcome of Christ.
Our longing is that when people walk into Tapestry, they feel the very hospitality of our God extended to us through His Son Jesus. We strive to be a generous community of invitational people, embracing the outsider, the broken and marginalized, and sacrificing in love for the sake of others. -
Anticipating More
Because He is a God of abundance.
Our God is a God of abundance who can do immeasurably more than what we ask or imagine from Him. We want to always be in a posture that is ready to witness and anticipate the powerful, transforming work of God taking place in our lives, throughout our city, across our nation, and in our world.
Growing in Discipleship
Pursuing to be conformed in the likeness of Christ
We believe that one of our foremost calls as disciples of Jesus is, well, to be discipled by Jesus. Jesus many times makes the invitation throughout the Gospel accounts, “follow me.” Later in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” While we believe all the different aspects in the life of the church at Tapestry are important, we believe there is perhaps none more important than for us to be intentional about our discipleship. One of the tangible ways we believe we can be intentional about our discipleship in Tapestry is by engaging in our Center for Training. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul talks about how all scripture is profitable for training in righteousness that believers may be equipped for every good work. Through Center for Training, we hope that our church can experience this kind of training in righteousness and equipping for every good work.
In Matthew 28:20 Jesus commissions his disciples to make disciples by first baptizing them and then teaching them to do all that Jesus has commanded them throughout His life and ministry on earth. In response to Jesus’s simple invitation, we are committing to a season of learning through our Center for Training as we pursue to be like our Lord Jesus Christ.
Center for Training is our training center for discipleship where courses and spaces are provided to be equipped and trained in all aspects of our Christian life. We believe discipleship best takes place in the life of the local church. Our goal is to make training in the Word and the Spirit accessible to everyone to more fully experience Jesus' restoration in the whole of life.
While we are not necessarily changing our process of discipleship, we are stepping into a season of greater depth and intentionality in our discipleship. We believe God did incredible things at Tapestry in our first seven years, and believe there is an even greater depth of work that he wants to do in our lives individually, and in the life of our church collectively. This is why we want to be more intentional in how we pursue our discipleship, offering courses and spaces to be trained so that we can grow in and experience the greater depth of restoration that God wants to bring in our lives.
Jesus summarizes the life of following him as loving God, loving others, and making disciples of himself. To be a follower of Jesus is to be with Jesus, do what he does, carry on his mission, and love God above all. So from a general standpoint, this is the kind of disciples that we strive to be. But more specifically, we believe that when discipleship is done right, it is holistic in its impact. In inviting his followers to discipleship, Jesus was offering a completely new way of life and being that transforms all aspects of life. Therefore, at Tapestry, we are aiming to be disciples who are being transformed and restored by Jesus in all areas of life.
Everything becomes cohesive under the bigger picture of being discipled and becoming disciple-makers. Ministries like cell group, missions, or others then become spaces of lived-out expression of our discipleship.
The Vision Team, comprised of a group of staff members and lay leaders, spent the past 5 months praying and thinking through the direction they sensed God leading Tapestry in our next stage of life as a church. Their discernment and vision forming process included a deep reflection on what God has done in and through Tapestry over the past 7 years as well as Tapestry’s unique spiritual DNA and sense of calling as a church.
Specifically, as it relates to our deacons, the office of the deacon remains to serve the church and “to wait on tables” as we find in Scripture. Deacon simply means servant, and we believe the hope of the church lies in Christian leaders who follow after Jesus’ way of leadership demonstrated in servanthood. Leaders who are compelled by love and who serve with the heart of Jesus. With that said, as it relates to our new vision, deacons and other lay leaders have an important role in contributing to the new vision through leading by example. The idea here is again, embodying Paul’s sentiment when he says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” We believe the essence of Christian leadership is simply to follow after the example of Jesus and invite others to do likewise. Intentionally pursuing their discipleship and continually growing as disciples and disciple-makers of Jesus themselves is a huge contribution in the pursuit of our new vision. With our new vision, our request from our lay leaders is not “we need more from you” but rather “we need more of (people like) you.”
You can contact our pastoral staff vision liaisons: David Yoon and/or Aaron Kim. We also have an inquiry form for any questions or comments. Additionally, we invite everyone to participate in the following ways:
• Prayerful listening: Spend this season in intentional listening through silence and solitude. Invite the Spirit to guide you as you prayerfully seek to participate in a season of learning and growing.
• Engaging: Spend this season actively learning from the courses offered through Center for Training and participate in these spaces of discipleship.
Over the next couple of months, we will be going through a sermon series on our vision sharing the pastoral heart as well as the scriptural basis for it. Additionally, we will have annual Vision Sunday meetings to assess where we are as a church in the pursuit of our vision. Aside from these spaces where we talk more explicitly about vision, our vision will also naturally shape and inform the expression of our various ministries and our experience participating in the life of the church.